Interested in reading about homeschool sports, learning styles, special needs, and other important topics? We’ve got you covered!
Homeschool Basics
Can’t Afford to Homeschool?
Perhaps we can help! Let’s explore a few options: Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool is a free and complete online curriculum. Showing you...
Homeschooling and Hope Scholarship: Distinctions That Matter
Did you know that Hope Scholarship students do not necessarily school at home? They can enroll in a private school that is registered...
Is Homeschooling Right For Us?
Why do so many parents continue to homeschool when it captures all their time? And how did they know what to do when they first started? ...
I Am Concerned About My Child’s Education
Many parents, who have suddenly found themselves as their child’s new schoolteacher, have reached out to CHEWV with concerns. While...
Learning Styles
Learning Styles
Parents who have homeschooled more than one of their own children will face this initially-shocking truth: our children are all...
Mom, Do You Know Their Unique Style?
“The wise in heart shall be called prudent: and the sweetness of the lips increases learning.” Proverbs 16:21 As we get into the routine...
Struggling Learners
Cari’s Story
As told to CHEWV. We started homeschooling because my husband was getting his Master’s, and we didn’t want to move our daughter to a new...
Special Needs: Lori’s Story
by Lori Shutler Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He...
Homeschool Sports
Homeschoolers Gain Sports Access
HB 2820, sponsored by Delegate Crouse and co-sponsored by Delegates Steele, Burkhammer, Kimble, Worrell, Cannon, Dillon, Butler, Maynor,...
New Law Expands Homeschooler Access
to Public School Sports & Extracurricular Activities After years of legislative debate and the near passage of similar legislation,...
The Homeschool Sports Bill is Headed to the Governor’s Desk
On March 4th, during the final week of the 2020 Regular Session, the House Sports Bill was passed by the State Senate. In order to attain...
Sports: Maybe It’s Time to Think…
...Out of the Box by Melody Sheppard So far, West Virginia homeschoolers have been barred from participating in any activity governed by...
Golden Horseshoe Series
Alternative Ways to Study WV History
In West Virginia, students, including many homeschooled students, study West Virginia History in their 8th grade year. Here are a few...
The Coveted Golden Horseshoe
and WV Homeschoolers West Virginia native Homer Hickam, author of “October Sky,” has one regret. He did not win a Golden Horseshoe as a...
High School
One CHEWV Family’s Experience with Dual Enrollment
Taking dual enrollment classes during high school is an affordable way to start college early. WV Institute of Technology offers distance...
The FAFSA Is Changing
Important Things For Parents to Know Normally the FAFSA (Free Application for Student Aid) becomes available in early October, but due to...
Early Education
Kinesthetic Academics for Children Four to Six
Science: Daily “calendar” time with date, day of the week, weather, and season. Playground time - giving them active experiences with...
Is Your Kindergartner Struggling…
...With Reading? Many parents find that their five or even six-year-old child experiences difficulty in learning to read. After...
Choosing Thankfulness
For most newlyweds, there is a honeymoon period when our spouse is our hero and even the quirky things they do are considered cute. This...
Does My House Get Dirtier…
Than Everyone Else's? Well, yes. It probably does. But there’s a great reason! Maybe you used to be able to keep a clean house; but now as...
Annual Assessments
Assessment Considerations
Hmm...portfolio review or standardized testing? While a homeschool assessment must be done EVERY YEAR for students of compulsory...
Score Reports from CHEWV
What score reports can you expect when you test with CHEWV? First, you will receive the complete IOWA score reports directly from BJUP....
Home School Day at the Capitol
Let’s Have HSDC In the Spring!
We know what it’s like! After early morning travel on precarious roads, we finally make it to Capitol parking - three blocks away! The...
Our First Home School Day at the Capitol
And What We Have Learned From the 2018 Legislative Session by Kelli Allen Our family participated in Home School Day at the Capitol (HSDC)...
Opened Doors – A WV Legislative Report
...from Michael P. Donnelly, Esq. Staff Attorney Director of Global Outreach HSLDA Despite inclement weather and flight delays, I was...
Yes, I’d Like to Make a Difference…
...With My Legislator! How Do I Do It? Several approaches serve to connect effectively with your senator, delegates, and governor. ...