While local community is important, CHEWV makes no claim to endorse, recommend, or check out each group listed. We believe that is the responsibility of parents.
Neither is this list exhaustive; it consists only of those groups/co-ops who request to be listed. Descriptions are provided by the group.
We highly recommend that parents use godly wisdom and prayer as they choose social situations for their children. (Proverbs 13:20)
Note: These are non-profit, parent-directed groups only. A variety of for-profit groups also exist and advertise to the community.
Barbour County
Berkeley County
Martinsburg Christian Co-op is an educational cooperative ministry in the Martinsburg area. MCC was founded in 2019 when Andrea Simms and Paige Walker recognized the need for a Bible-based co-op to aid in educating children from birth through high school. We seek to serve Christ in an environment welcoming to all. It is our desire that MCC would be a co-op in which Christ’s love abounds and children’s lives are changed.
Mission statement: To share Christ’s love with homeschooling families through fun, fellowship and learning.
Admin team is Andrea Simms, Paige Walker, and Melissa Jones.
Contact Martinsburgchristiancoop@gmail.com for more information.
Boone County
Braxton County
Cabell County
Clay County
Fayette County
- ORCHARDS - Organization Reaching Christian Homeschoolers Advancing, Rearing, and Developing Students
- TRIBE Homeschool Group
Gilmer County
Greenbrier County
Hampshire County
Hardy County
Harrison County
Jackson County
Jefferson County
- The Panhandle Path HomeSchool Group
- Charles Town Christian Home Educators (CTCHE)
- Eastern Panhandle Groups
- St James Catholic Homeschool Group
Kanawha/Putnam County
Lewis County
Lincoln County
Marion County
- THESIS - Trinity Home Educators Supporting In Service
- F.A.H.S.T. Fairmont Area Home Schoolers Together
- Special Needs Homeschooling
McDowell County
Mercer County
Monongalia County
- MECHE - Mothers Encouraging Christian Home Education
- MAHA - Monongalia County Homeschoolers Association
- Holy Families Homeschoolers
This is a distinctly Christian group, but any mom is welcome.
Morgan County
Nicholas County
Ohio County
Pocahontas County
Preston County
Putnam/Kanawha County
The leadership of this group has been homeschooling longer than 15 years. Support/encouragement group, field-trip/outings group. KPHE was founded in 1990 with the purpose of assisting parents in the home education of their children by providing activities and services, as well as offering mutual encouragement and support. This is a Christian Group.
Raleigh County
Ritchie County
Roane County
Taylor County
Tucker County
Upshur County
Wayne County
CHEF website: https://sites.google.com/view/chef2018
Contact Carrie Lamm
CHEF is a Christian homeschool group that serves the tri-state area of Ashland, KY ... Ironton, OH ... Huntington, WV and all the areas in between.
Our families support one another by planning and attending field trips, resources for curriculum, meetings, activities, testing, advice from experienced homeschooling families, friendship, and more!!!
Webster County
Wirt County
Wood County