We are extremely grateful to those who give financially and become CHEWV members! Hundreds of parents, grandparents, and supporters give up to $100 annually – because they believe in WV home education and want to keep it free and legal. Without you, CHEWV would crumble!
Although we know members don’t give to “get something,” we have, nevertheless, been working to provide you with resources that say “thank you for your support.”
Members can use the button below to access the members-only, password-protected section with all of our member benefits. The current member password has been sent to you by email. Or you can obtain it by emailing members@chewv.org. (Watch for periodic password updates.)
Not a member yet? Click here to join! Thank you for supporting CHEWV and WV homeschooling!
Members, use this button to access your resouces:

WV Field Guide
A comprehensive, 41-page WV Field Trip Guide, this e-book will make you want to hit the road! Chalk full of planning info, it covers destinations in all 55 counties.

High School Document
Worth the price of CHEWV membership, this document, compiled for our 2024 High School Seminar, gives you over 50 links to high school resources including distance learning options, planning resources, and test prep, and even career testing! Have a student approaching the high school years? This will save you so much time!

Civics Guide
Ten units of Civics to spread over a semester. Could easily add supplemental material for a full year’s study. Includes resources for multiple grade levels to study the founding fathers, founding documents, the three branches of government, and much more!

I.D. Card
Physical card mailed to members for teacher discounts at a variety of businesses.

Arthurdale Study
Plan a field trip to Arthurdale in Preston County and use our study guide to prepare!

Heritage Defense Discount
20% discount off Heritage Defense annual or monthly membership. We recommend Heritage Defense to protect your family. Find out more about it here.

Fillable Diploma
Your choice of four diplomas -print after you fill them in online, making a professional presentation. Choose one with our unique seal – or without.

Planning Pages
These are the same ones available for subscribers, but this makes it easier for you to download and use! Includes high school course descriptions, extracurricular record, book report form, and more.

Assessment Tracker
WV homeschool law requires an annual assessment. This tool helps you track those annual assessments and ensure that you have satisfied the law’s requirements.

Golden Horseshoe/WV History Resources
WV 8th graders study WV History. Combining our Golden Horseshoe article series (available to everyone) with these members-only resources makes that easy peasy. Includes textbook answer key and test resources.

Teacher Planning Resources
Seven downloadables to help organize your homeschool! From high school course descriptions to weekly lesson plans, these are valuable resources for the mom who craves organization to maintain sanity!

25% off for CHEWV members!
Members enjoy 25% off our comprehensive course, Start Strong WV! See course details here. Then enter the member section to purchase.

CHEWV's Cookbook
Help! My Kids Are Starving!
If yours are too, perhaps we can help. Busy moms must stick together!

Fillable Transcript
Transcripts can feel daunting in the high school years, but with our downloadable, fillable document, things become a whole lot easier!