If you test with CHEWV, you have the option to receive a WV-specific score report in addition to score reports from the publisher.  The “County Report” contains only the five scores required by WV law along with the stanine the mean falls within.  CHEWV’s County Report is designed to be submitted to the County Superintendent when students are in grades 3, 5, 8, and 11.  However, homeschoolers must still be assessed annually, and assessment results for ALL students must be maintained by parents for three years.  For those students, a Progress Report may be requested for home filing.  The Progress Report helps you determine if your student has made progress since last year.

According to WV code 18-8-1 (c)(2), “acceptable progress” for standardized testing is a mean of the scores in the five required subjects that falls within the 4th stanine or above. If below the 4th stanine, it is also acceptable if the mean has improved from the previous year’s mean. Any individual subject score can fall below the 4th stanine as long as the mean is within, above, or improved.

Satisfying the WV law’s requirements is not all testing can do for you. The publisher’s score reports give you much more information than the law requires and can help identify strengths and weaknesses for curriculum planning.  In fact, the composite is probably the best indicator of how your child is doing compared with others his/her age.  Unlike the mean, the composite is a weighted score and is statistically valid.  The Core Composite is also a good indicator of how your child is performing in the core subjects of reading, writing, and math.

If you do not test with CHEWV you may have publisher reports for either the Stanford, Iowa, or Terra Nova.  Although score report details may differ, the following articles should be helpful regardless of which test was taken. 

Understanding Your Score Sheets

Why Are Our Test Scores Low?

Temptation, Truth & Test Scores

Determining the Required "Mean"