We’re happy to hear you’re considering homeschooling. As veteran homeschoolers ourselves, we’ve been right where you are. In fact, we believe we may know some of the questions you’re asking and the potential fears you might have as you consider this journey for your family.
One of your first concerns may be that of wondering if your children will do as well educationally and, later, professionally … if you homeschool. We’re happy to tell you that studies are very favorable toward positive outcomes. One particular study of interest might be Homeschooling Across West Virginia which highlights academic achievements and demographic characteristics of West Virginia homeschoolers.
We’ve also assembled a host of resources on this page, from frequently asked questions, to video testimonials of homeschooling families within West Virginia.
While our hope is that of answering your questions and giving you quick access to helpful resources, our first and foremost encouragement is simple. Pray.
Pray, and remember that the Lord is the One who has blessed you with your children, and He has a plan for you. Seek Him first for your family. You’ll never be disappointed.
Am I qualified?
While many public school teachers do an amazing job, student performance nationwide is NOT impressive. Teaching degrees might be useful, but they do not guarantee that students will learn. A WV homeschool study found that students of parents with the lowest level of formal education still posted test scores 20 points higher than the national average. Even the education of a classroom teacher is not always correlated with the success of his or her students according to many studies. Loving relationships with caring adults seem to matter most to a child’s success. Are you willing to sacrifice time and energy for your child? Thousands of successful homeschooled students stand as proof that that works!
How do I cover everything my children need to know?
In a favorite episode of Little House on the Prairie, Laura is dreading going to school and so asks how long “all this learning” is going to take. Ma answers, “We start learning when we’re born, Laura. And if we’re wise, we don’t stop ‘til the Lord takes us home.” Wise words! You won’t cover everything your children need to know any more than schools do. (Actually you might cover more than they would, but I digress.) Your underlying goals should be teaching your children to love learning and to know how to learn! If you do that, they will learn their entire lives! However, if you want a checklist to calm your fears, try Sampson’s What Your Child Needs to Know or the E.D. Hirsch book series, What Your __Grader Needs to Know.
Where do I find curriculum?
That’s a very good question! The good news is that there are MANY options for finding curriculum. If you’re looking for help in choosing curriculum, we recommend you visit our How Do I Choose Curriculum Page where you can download an entire booklet for free. If you would like advice from a veteran, try Cathy Duffy Reviews as a valuable resource in reviews of almost all available curriculum. As for purchasing curriculum, we recommend you first check ebay or half.com for reduced options. You may also find bargain curriculum at the “used book sales” of many homeschool conventions/events. Otherwise, you may either order directly from homeschool publishers or you may find the same titles online on Christianbook.com. We encourage you to check your local library as it is always a great resource for supplemental books to augment your learning! And, lastly, it’s always helpful when you can “borrow” curriculum from other homeschooling families in your area. Here’s a listing of WV Support Groups.
NOTE: If your student is a Hope Scholarship student, covered resources are explained here.
Is the public school required to supply curriculum?
For those homeschooling under Exemption c2, this question is addressed in the WV Law pertaining to homeschooling:
“(3) This subdivision applies to both home instruction exemptions set forth in subdivisions (1) and (2) of this subsection. The county superintendent or a designee shall offer such assistance, including textbooks, other teaching materials and available resources, all subject to availability, as may assist the person or persons providing home instruction. Any child receiving home instruction may upon approval of the county board exercise the option to attend any class offered by the county board as the person or persons providing home instruction may consider appropriate subject to normal registration and attendance requirements.”
Will my children grow to become socially awkward?
Are homeschooled children limited in their higher education opportunities?
‟A person who administers a program of secondary education at a public, private or home school that meets the requirements of this chapter may issue a diploma or other appropriate credential to a person who has completed the program of secondary education. Such diploma or credential is legally sufficient to demonstrate that the person meets the definition of having a high school diploma or its equivalent.”
Colleges and universities often recognize that homeschooled students tend to be exceptional in their academic performance. Their academic strengths, combined with advanced studies and extracurricular activities that often include community service, make homeschooled students great candidates for admission and a successful college career. While homeschoolers vary widely, just like any other group of students, college statistics about homeschoolers are encouraging!
Read more about college admissions here.
What if my child is a special needs student?
IEP’s are not retained once homeschooling begins. If the student is re-enrolled in public school, the IEP process must begin again. However, one of the strengths of homeschooling is the ability to tailor the education to meet the needs of the individual student. One size does not fit all. This is particularly true for children with special needs. Often homeschooling parents of special needs children will work with a certified teacher to determine reasonable goals and strategies that will then be assessed during a portfolio review in the spring. To read the testimony of a WV mom who homeschooled her autistic son, click here. Help is also available on such sites as NATHHAN, but we recommend that you start your journey at HSLDA, reading their advice regarding struggling learners.
Can my children still play sports within the local school system?
W. Va. Code § 18-2-25, establishes the eligibility of homeschool students for public school athletics and extracurricular activities at the school within their attendance zone. Homeschoolers must also satisfy the following requirements:
1) demonstrate “satisfactory evidence of academic progress for one year” as provided in the homeschool exemption statute (§18-8-1(c)); (meet the 4th stanine in the 5 subject areas)
2) enrollment in in at least one virtual course per semester; (must maintain a C average) >br> 3) younger than 19 years of age by August 1st of the current school year;
4) amateur status, i.e., receives no compensation;
5) agreement to comply with “all disciplinary rules” of the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission (WVSSAC) and county board of education; and
6) agreement to obey all WVSSAC rules regarding awards, all-star games, parental consents, physical examination, and vaccinations applicable to high school athletes.
The law also applies WVSSAC transfer rules to homeschool students who withdraw from public schools. In that situation, if the student withdrew from school during the academic year, the newly homeschooled student would be prohibited from participating in sports at that school (or potentially another WVSSAC school) for one year, per WVSSAC regulations. Finally, the law permits the imposition of “reasonable fees” to cover the costs of participation in extracurricular activities.
You may need to show the coach your eligibility paperwork – not test scores. Only the attendance director and/or guidance counselor should be shown scores.
You also need to show: immunization records, birth certificate, and two proofs of residency.
What’s the homeschool law in West Virginia?
To understand the homeschool law (18-8-1 Exemption c1,2) in West Virginia, it’s best if you visit the page WV Homeschool Law. Here you will find the answers to all your questions in a single location.
To understand the Hope Scholarship requirements (18-8-1, Exemption m), click here.
Can I afford to homeschool? Isn’t curriculum expensive?
The good news is that it is VERY possible to homeschool on a shoestring budget! While curriculum can be very expensive, you’ll be happy to know that it is readily available for borrow (from other homeschooling families in your area), at homeschool events/conference “used book” sales, and online at bargain websites such as eBay and half.com. We encourage you to never let the fear of “expense” keep you from homeschooling.
Note: Information about Hope Scholarship funding can be found here.
Homeschooling and Hope Scholarship: Distinctions That Matter
Did you know that Hope Scholarship students do not necessarily school at home? They can enroll in a private school that is registered with the state to receive Hope funds OR they can choose to have an Individualized Instructional Program. “Individualized...
Special Needs: Lisa’s Story
As told to CHEWV. We homeschooled our first two children in Maryland and things were going along well. But about the time that our second child was entering kindergarten, we became concerned that something wasn’t quite right with our toddler. At 2 1/2, he wasn’t...
Mom, Do You Know Their Unique Style?
“The wise in heart shall be called prudent: and the sweetness of the lips increases learning.” Proverbs 16:21 As we get into the routine of schoolwork with our children, whether for the first time or after a summer break, we may want to keep in mind that children do...