by Melody Sheppard | Jan 22, 2016 | HSDC, Legislative, News, WV Law
Home School Day At the Capitol (HSDC) – Special Briefing Info Here! From 9:00 to 10:00 a special briefing will be held where Senator Robert Karnes, Delegate Brain Kurcaba, CHEWV Legislative Liaison John Carey, and HSLDA Attorney Mike Donnelly will discuss the...
by Melody Sheppard | Jan 22, 2016 | Home School Day at the Capitol, HSDC, Legislative, News, WV Law
ACTION NEEDED—RALLY TO SUPPORT FREEDOM FOR HOME EDUCATION! Join me along with CHEWV, WVHEA and hundreds of others next week for the 26th Annual Day at the Capitol in Charleston and advance freedom for homeschooling in the Mountaineer state! Two important bills will...
by CHEWV | Jan 8, 2016 | Home School Day at the Capitol, HSDC, Legislative, News
Whether you choose to communicate from your kitchen table, personally visit your state legislator, or simply want to attend the Home School Day at the Capitol, our goal is to assist you in your efforts. We hope our new tool box is helpful. If you have a moment, we...
by CHEWV | Oct 9, 2015 | Legislative, News
Under a government “by the people,” we as U.S. citizens are permitted to help shape public policy. Further, as Christians, God calls us to be salt and light wherever we are. “What should our top policy priorities be?” is the critical question, given that...
by CHEWV | Sep 5, 2015 | Blog, Legislative, News
by John Carey “Cities like Charleston, Morgantown, Huntington, and others are passing legislation that will lead to the same kind of restrictions on religious liberty as Christian photographers, wedding cake crafters and others are experiencing around the country.” ...
by CHEWV | May 6, 2015 | High School, Legislative, News, WV Law
By John Carey – CHEWV’s Legislative Liaison The Diploma Fairness Bill was signed by the Governor and is effective June 12, 2015. “A person who administers a program of secondary education at a public, private or home school that meets the requirements of...
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