Will you join us in prayer November 5th?
Will you join homeschool families from all across the nation in a day of prayer on Friday, November 5th? A Heritage of Prayer in our Nation Prayer has great significance for us as a nation as we follow in our founding fathers’ footsteps and seek the wisdom of God when...

Learning to Serve You Better
After a beautiful week with homeschool leaders from all over the US and even a few other countries, CHEWV is hitting the ground running. First was the Alliance Conference in Illinois with Christian leaders from all over the U.S. followed by the HSLDA National Leaders’...

The Coveted Golden Horseshoe
and WV Homeschoolers West Virginia native Homer Hickam, author of “October Sky,” has one regret. He did not win a Golden Horseshoe as a student! Every year 221 students are awarded the coveted Golden Horseshoe and knighted as Ladies and Knights of the Golden...

Book-It Incentive Starts in October
For decades, homeschoolers have joined other educators to incentivize reading using free pizza coupons. Available for students ages 4-12 (preK to 6th grade), the Pizza Hut Book-It Program allows parents of homeschoolers to set individualized reading goals for their...

Homeschoolers Invited to Service Academy Days This Month
Senator Shelley Moore Capito invites middle and high school students and parents to Academy Day 2021 to learn more about U.S. Service Academies (Air Force, Coast Guard, Merchant Marines, Military/West Point, Naval). Students who want to attend one of these prestigious...

Public School Re-Entry
A new law, HB2785, passed in the 2021 session and effective last month, affects homeschooled students who are returning to public school. The latter part of section (e) states, “A transcript or other credential provided by a public school program, private school...

The Future of Homeschooling:
A Falling or Rising Star? Is child abuse more prevalent in the homeschooling community? That is just one of several questions being addressed in a 7-week online conference entitled Post-Pandemic Future of Homeschooling, sponsored by the Harvard Kennedy School Taubman...

Homeschooling Doubles in WV
Homeschooling in West Virginia has more than doubled this past year according to a report by the U.S. Census Bureau. In fact, West Virginia is one of nine states with double digit growth! Last spring, 5.4% of West Virginian households with school-aged children...

Where Are My CHEWV Test Scores?
UPDATE 5/31/2021: Electronic scores have been released (via email) to parents of students who tested with CHEWV. County/Progress Reports will be coming in the mail within the next few days. If you tested with CHEWV but have not received your electronic score email,...

Legislative Update March 10, 2021
When families flourish, communities flourish. For families to flourish, parents must have the freedom to do what they believe before God to be best for their children. Homeschool-related bills progressing this year include vocational school enrollment as well as...