HSDC – A Blessing and Responsibility
Homeschool Day at the Capitol - A Blessing and Responsibility Undeterred by the historic winter storm Jonas, homeschoolers from around West Virginia converged on Charleston for Homeschool Day at the Capitol on January 25th, including a number of parents with children...

Time Out for Tim Tebow Bill
February 4, 2016 SB 105 (Tim Tebow Bill) was discussed today in the Senate Education Committee. Members of the committee heard homeschooler, Beth Penn, speak on behalf of WV homeschoolers and then the Executive Director of the SSAC gave his reasons for opposition of...
No Shadow for HB 4175
Homeschool Modernization Passes House—Please Take Action to Advance Freedom! Dear HSLDA Members and Friends, Today the West Virginia House voted to modernize West Virginia’s homeschool law with the passage of H.B. 4175. Delegates overwhelmingly favored updating the...

A Sign Of Things To Come?
The Hornbuckle Amendment - A Sign of Things to Come? First there was a statement made by a lobbyist. who has represented Fairness WV, a gay rights advocacy group, and currently represents Planned Parenthood, expressing his opinion on Facebook that home school...
Home School Legislation Advances!
Members of the House Education Committee Stuck in the Past! Update: Rescue Attempt Successful! Some legislators have been rescued. More help will be needed. The Home School Modernization Bill, HB 4175, was passed on a voice vote yesterday in the House...

HB 4175 Passes House Ed Comm.
After the defeat of several proposed amendments including requiring additional qualifications for instruction and requiring guidelines for children to be properly integrated in diversity, HB 4175 passed out of the House Education Committee with an amendment to add...

Legislative Bills of Interest
As the WV Legislature continues to meet, CHEWV has identified several enrolled Bills that may be of interest to our members. SB 292 Creating income tax credits for certain educational expenses - is sponsored by Senator Robert Karnes. It would allow a $500 credit per...

Gazette-Mail Article
WV lawmakers seek to ease home-school regulations (Please note that the HB numbers are switched in this article.) For the second consecutive year, state lawmakers are seeking to ease restrictions on home-school students in West Virginia. One bill (HB 4175) would...
Looking Forward to Next Week!
Home School Day At the Capitol (HSDC) - Special Briefing Info Here! From 9:00 to 10:00 a special briefing will be held where Senator Robert Karnes, Delegate Brain Kurcaba, CHEWV Legislative Liaison John Carey, and HSLDA Attorney Mike Donnelly will discuss the bills...

Bills Introduced!!
ACTION NEEDED—RALLY TO SUPPORT FREEDOM FOR HOME EDUCATION! Join me along with CHEWV, WVHEA and hundreds of others next week for the 26th Annual Day at the Capitol in Charleston and advance freedom for homeschooling in the Mountaineer state! Two important bills will...