Capitol Report Update 2/12/2019

Capitol Report Update 2/12/2019

by John Carey, CHEWV’s Legislative Liaison Where Things Stand on SB 451 As of This Morning SB451 passed out of the House Finance Committee early this morning and will be on Second Reading Wednesday. In this morning’s committee meeting, the Chair unsuccessfully...

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WV SMART529 Essay Contest

WV SMART529 Essay Contest

For over a decade, the West Virginia State Treasurer’s Office and SMART529 have been helping children dream big and save for their future with the SMART529 When I Grow Up essay contest.  West Virginia homeschoolers in grades K-5 can enter to win $5,000 in a SMART529...

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2019 Legislative Session Preview

2019 Legislative Session Preview

Getting Prepared by John Carey, CHEWV's Legislative Liaison The 60 Day Regular Legislative Session begins on January 9th. Here are some links to keep you in the loop as the session progresses, as well as a secret weapon that only a loving parent can employ.   Contact...

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Homeschoolers to Gather at Capitol

Homeschoolers to Gather at Capitol

Join homeschoolers from all around the state on Thursday, January 31st, for Home School Day at the Capitol (HSDC).  Meet us first in the upper rotunda under the CHEWV banner, where we’ll gladly check you in and give you helpful information.  We’ll also show you where...

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PROMISE Eligibility

PROMISE Eligibility

5 Things to Know Changes in PROMISE scholarship eligibility requirements for homeschoolers, effective July 2018, are now being implemented.  Here are some key things homeschoolers should know about the changes. No more GED.  Homeschool graduates are no longer required...

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Parents Initiate Sports Opportunity

In North Carolina, Florida, and Texas, competitive homeschool sports leagues have garnered attention and respect comparable to that of public school teams.  However, in most states - especially those as rural as West Virginia - developing homeschool leagues has proven...

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In Honor of Roger Sherman

In Honor of Roger Sherman

"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." Psalm 116:15 Indeed, one of His saints entered into His presence June 21st.  Roger Sherman was one of CHEWV's founding board members and a pioneer in the modern homeschool movement.  Since 1990, Roger,...

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Perfect Opportunity for High School Students

Perfect Opportunity for High School Students

CHEWV’s College Fair and CFWV Financial Aid Workshop on May 19th is a great opportunity for your high school student!  Besides the CFWV focal point workshop, multiple college admissions counselors will be available in one room at one time.  It’s like making multiple...

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