While we strive to maintain up-to-date information, please check with the coordinator listed below to confirm details.
Don’t see a test center near you? You can test privately at home with a paper test or an online test. You can also test with one or more families for a private test center. You could even start a regular test center if you want to open it up for others. Many hands make light work, so ask around to get a group together to help make it happen!
If you are interested in helping start a test center in a county where one is not currently available, please contact us at testing@chewv.org.
Note: You are not required to test in the county where you live; counties are given for location purposes only. The test center dates, location, and other details are listed at the local coordinator’s discretion. Details can change; please confirm all information with the Test Center Coordinator (TCC) listed for each county.
Click on the map pins for information for each test center. If you are interested in testing at either the test center in Marion County or the one in Wirt County, please contact testing@chewv.org for pertinent information.
Jackson County
Ashley Heindl
304-389-9654 cell
304-372-5293 home
Administrator #76328498
Where: Ripley Baptist Temple
When: TBA
Lincoln County
Christy Dent
Administrator #77043530
NOTE: Space is limited at this facility. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Where: Independent Missionary Baptist Church, 2309 Childress Rd., Alum Creek, WV 25003
When: March 17-20, 8:30 a.m.
Registered families will receive an email from Christy with test week details once registration has closed.
Donations will be accepted to give to the church.
Mercer County
Tina Wimmer
Administrator #77919907
Where: Maple View Church of Christ in Bluefield, WV.
When: Week of March 17
Current membership in HEARTH, the local homeschool organization that sponsors the test center, is required. For details and how to join, contact Cindy Horton at 304-308-5511 or HEARTHhomeschool@yahoo.com.
Taylor County
Jeniver Boyer
Administrator #75554228
Where: Calvary Baptist Church, 66 Calvary Lane, Grafton, WV
When: March 31 – April 1, 2025
A love offering will be taken for the church.
Upshur County Area
Lauren Wood
Administrator #79634824
Where: Grace Church, 69 Gawthrop Road, Buckhannon, WV 26201
When: March 27 – 28, 2025
Time: 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
There is no fee for families using this test center. Feel free to send or bring snacks and water for your own students. There will be an area for parents and younger siblings to hang out during testing, if they so choose.
Wood County
Julie Golden
Administrator #80107831
Please note that this test center is only available for grades 3 and up.
Location: St Paul Lutheran Church, 3500 Broad St, Parkersburg WV 26180
When: March 3-4, 2025
Time: 8:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Marion County
Check back for finalized details after January 15th.