Learning Styles
Parents who have homeschooled more than one of their own children will face this initially-shocking truth: our children are all different! “How can that be?” you ask. They have the same parents and are being raised in the same home. Fascinating, isn’t it? They...

Is Homeschooling Right For Us?
Why do so many parents continue to homeschool when it captures all their time? And how did they know what to do when they first started? Most of us started homeschooling on a “trial” basis, but before too long, the advantages won us over! We began to see what it...

I Am Concerned About My Child’s Education
Many parents, who have suddenly found themselves as their child’s new schoolteacher, have reached out to CHEWV with concerns. While homeschooling parents made a thought-out decision to take on the full responsibility of their child’s education, these parents have...

Mom to Mom: Our Time
Frodo: I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened. Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in...

Help! I Need a Portfolio Review This Year
But I've Never Done One Before! With all the changes COVID-19 has brought to our lives, you may be wondering how to get your annual homeschool assessments done. If you usually test your students, this year you may find yourself considering a portfolio review instead....

HSDC: A Golden Opportunity
~the 7th in a series of articles~Click here to start at the beginning of the series. Home School Day at the Capitol generally held in January or February each year is a combination of history and civics, and it is a golden opportunity for those students studying West...
One Argument Against Submitting Annual Assessments
A debate rages about how much authority, if any, the state should have over home education. That debate is heating up as we move into this year's legislative session. Recently, the assertion that many WV homeschoolers are educationally neglected has gained...

Mom to Mom: The Ghost…
...of Christmas Past by Kim Kincell Once upon a time, long, long ago, we had little girls who squealed with delight when we drove through neighborhoods and found houses lit up with hundreds of Christmas lights. Back then our girls “helped” make the Christmas cookies...
WV History on a Cold, Snowy Day
~the 6th in a series of articles~Click here to start at the beginning of the series. Did you know that a shy furniture maker from Randolph County rode for days on horseback to Richmond, Virginia, where he entered and won a contest to build a bridge over the Tygart...
Stepping Stones Then, Stepping Stones Now
Say the word “Pilgrims,” and my mind immediately goes to tall hats, big buckles, and Stove Top Stuffing. Our modern history books have so diminished our conception of the Pilgrims that we often tend to think of them mainly in terms of the “first Thanksgiving.” But...