Mom to Mom:  The Ghost…

Mom to Mom: The Ghost…

...of Christmas Past by Kim Kincell Once upon a time, long, long ago, we had little girls who squealed with delight when we drove through neighborhoods and found houses lit up with hundreds of Christmas lights.  Back then our girls “helped” make the Christmas cookies...

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Thankful to be with my kids – at home

Thankful to be with my kids – at home

As a whole, we homeschool moms are blessed!  To bear children.  To raise children.  To be married!  In the midst of rampant divorce, drug addictions, affairs, and chasing after money, we are investing in something else entirely!  It’s easy to lose sight of the...

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Mom to Mom:  A Tribute…

Mom to Mom: A Tribute… Homeschool Moms by Melody Sheppard Homeschool moms remind me of soldiers in a war zone: they never know where the next attack will come from.  Sometimes they can’t even see the enemy.  Their mission?  Shield and protect their precious charges while preparing...

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High School Records

High School Records

What I've Learned First-Hand by Becky Price When our oldest son applied to an out-of-state four-year college, we included his transcript along with a copy of his high school diploma, and he was accepted with no other records necessary. When our second son applied to...

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Special Needs: Charly’s Story

Special Needs: Charly’s Story

by Charly Shreves Our eight-year-old son, Brody, had been struggling for quite a while. He confused letters and numbers, made grammatical and spelling errors that weren’t age-appropriate, and completed any work at an excruciatingly slow pace. It wasn’t a behavior...

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