Am I A Nag?
by Lorrie Young As mothers, there are many ways in which we hope our children will remember us after they are grown and gone. Perhaps they’ll recall us being the best neighborhood mom because we passed out popsicles to their friends and had Band-Aids for everyone’s...
Comparing With Finland’s 1st Graders
According to the Stanford News, 65 countries/economies were ranked in the Program for International Student Assessment in 2009. Finland ranked high: 6th in math, 2nd in science, and 3rd in reading. In the same year, U.S. students ranked 30th, 23rd, and 17th,...
Our First Home School Day at the Capitol
And What We Have Learned From the 2018 Legislative Session by Kelli Allen Our family participated in Home School Day at the Capitol (HSDC) for the first time this year. As rookies, we weren't quite sure what to expect so we were grateful that CHEWV organized it so...
Perfection & Perseverance
by Martha McClanahan I am an avid lover of the author Jane Austen. She was a master at creating compelling characters. Novels such as Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility reveal the complexity and beauty of human nature through characters who remind us of...
Yes, I’d Like to Make a Difference…
...With My Legislator! How Do I Do It? Several approaches serve to connect effectively with your senator, delegates, and governor. Depending on your personality type, the issue at hand, your comfort level, and the time available, you may prefer personal visits,...
If a Student Takes His Classes at Home…
...Isn't He a Homeschooler? The 2017 legislative session marked the beginning of a push for online public school options in West Virginia, making it possible to be a public school student from the comfort of one's own home. While CHEWV supports the right of ALL...
Dad to Dad: The Joys of the “Bleak Midwinter”
by James Summers I love this time of year. Things start to slow down and fall into focus during Thanksgiving week, which of course coincides with the traditional buck season in this part of the world. Hours spent in the woods, alone with nothing but my own thoughts,...
Mom to Mom: The Ghost…
...of Christmas Past by Kim Kincell Once upon a time, long, long ago, we had little girls who squealed with delight when we drove through neighborhoods and found houses lit up with hundreds of Christmas lights. Back then our girls “helped” make the Christmas cookies...
Thankful to be with my kids – at home
As a whole, we homeschool moms are blessed! To bear children. To raise children. To be married! In the midst of rampant divorce, drug addictions, affairs, and chasing after money, we are investing in something else entirely! It’s easy to lose sight of the...
Mom to Mom: A Tribute… Homeschool Moms by Melody Sheppard Homeschool moms remind me of soldiers in a war zone: they never know where the next attack will come from. Sometimes they can’t even see the enemy. Their mission? Shield and protect their precious charges while preparing...