Homeschoolers Gain Sports Access
HB 2820, sponsored by Delegate Crouse and co-sponsored by Delegates Steele, Burkhammer, Kimble, Worrell, Cannon, Dillon, Butler, Maynor, Lucas, and Pinson, officially passed the 2023 WV Legislature on March 11th and was sent on to the governor. Because he didn’t sign...
New Law Expands Homeschooler Access
to Public School Sports & Extracurricular Activities After years of legislative debate and the near passage of similar legislation, Governor Jim Justice signed into law House Bill 4925, making public school extracurricular activities more accessible to West...
The Homeschool Sports Bill is Headed to the Governor’s Desk
On March 4th, during the final week of the 2020 Regular Session, the House Sports Bill was passed by the State Senate. In order to attain passage, it had to be merged into a bill that opened up the same section of the law into which the sports bill was written. So, on...

Sports: Maybe It’s Time to Think…
...Out of the Box by Melody Sheppard So far, West Virginia homeschoolers have been barred from participating in any activity governed by the WV Secondary School Authority Commission (WVSSAC). This not only includes high school sports, but also some band functions...

Top-Notch Athletic Activity…
...On a Shoestring Moms, Dads, Get Moving! By Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. President National Home Education Research Institute Salem, Oregon www.nheri.org For Free homeschool Research News with Dr. Ray, take 17 seconds to sign-up here: https://www.nheri.org/connect/ So you...

Finding the Sport Solution –
Ice Hockey Cooperative Teams When Bryce and Dawn Timberlake of Jefferson County started homeschooling their six children twenty years ago, they wanted sports to play a big role in their children’s development. However, because the WVSSAC precluded their children from...

Sports: Choosing NOT to Play
by James Summers Coming of age in a public school system, my cohorts and I breathed sports. Even if some didn’t make the team, they still wanted to be on the team: our complex hierarchy of social status relied, in no small part, on sports. Making the team or winning...
Parents Initiate Sports Opportunity
In North Carolina, Florida, and Texas, competitive homeschool sports leagues have garnered attention and respect comparable to that of public school teams. However, in most states - especially those as rural as West Virginia - developing homeschool leagues has proven...

Tebow Bill: Fumble & Punt
On the second day of the 2018 Session, the Senate version of the Tebow Bill (SB130) passed unanimously in the WV Senate Education Committee. Added amendments simply clarified the original purpose. An amendment from Senator Beach, which would have converted the bill...

Athletes and Homeschooling
Simone Biles, the homeschooled gymnast who won the world over in the recent Olympics, may be the “poster child” for homeschool athletics; Simone and her family pursued homeschooling because of its flexible schedule. Homeschoolers can and do utilize daytime...