Having Difficulty Taking the TASC?

Having Difficulty Taking the TASC?

Some students are having difficulty scheduling the TASC test to meet the PROMISE Scholarship deadlines.  Betty Jo Jordan, Executive Assistant to State Superintendent Payne, assures CHEWV that this form is all that is necessary to schedule the TASC requirements.  The...
Mom to Mom:  A Tribute…

Mom to Mom: A Tribute…

…to Homeschool Moms by Melody Sheppard Homeschool moms remind me of soldiers in a war zone: they never know where the next attack will come from.  Sometimes they can’t even see the enemy.  Their mission?  Shield and protect their precious charges while preparing...
Homeschool Freedom Town Hall

Homeschool Freedom Town Hall

Featuring Senator Randy Smith and Delegate Joe Statler The West Virginia Legislature will convene for its 2018 regular session on January 10th.  As in the past, we can expect bills to be proposed and debated that will affect the freedom to homeschool in West...