2020 Assessment Deadline Update
Please Don’t Call the WVDE Some homeschool parents are concerned about getting assessment results in time for the June 30th deadline in light of the COVID-19 guidelines and the cancellation of test centers. Both the WVHEA and CHEWV have been in contact with the state...

New Member Resource: Annual Assessment Tracker
As a free members-only resource, CHEWV will soon be sending our newly-created Annual Assessment Tracker to all our members. While WV homeschooling families no longer need to submit assessment results to their County Board of Education every single year, assessments -...
2020 Legislative Roller Coaster
While CHEWV has made only limited public statements about the happenings during the 2020 Legislative session, it is not due to lack of legislative activity related to homeschooling! On the contrary, this session has been somewhat of a roller coaster. At times,...

Legislative Recap: 2020 Session
My first Legislative Report of the 2020 Session began with acknowledging that the growth of homeschooling is now seen as a threat. I predicted that we might see introduction of legislation to stem the growth of homeschooling or to increase regulation. We saw both. ...
The Homeschool Sports Bill is Headed to the Governor’s Desk
On March 4th, during the final week of the 2020 Regular Session, the House Sports Bill was passed by the State Senate. In order to attain passage, it had to be merged into a bill that opened up the same section of the law into which the sports bill was written. So, on...

A Response to “Raylee’s Law”
Anyone who reads the media reports ((https://www.winchesterstar.com/opinions/editorial-raylee-a-year-later/article_d43b90b4-46cc-58e7-bcce-0366d6765267.html, https://www.whsv.com/content/news/Dad-2-women-arrested-in-death-of-abused-West-Virginia-girl-566078931.html,...

Legislative Report: January 21, 2020
The 2020 Regular Session is in full swing. West Virginia homeschooling freedoms are threatened every year, and many of these threats are directed at homeschooling by name. Other threats come in the form of infringements of parental rights or religious liberty, the...

CHEWV Comments on BOE Draft
CHEWV has submitted comments on a draft policy from the WV Board of Education that would direct counties to develop their own county policy for students leaving the public system to homeschool, as well as for homeschoolers transferring into the public school system. ...

Gearing Up for the 2020 Legislative Session
The Regular Legislative Session begins on January 8th this year. If this year is anything like the others, about 2000 bills will have been introduced, and about 200 of those will have become law. CHEWV will regularly keep you informed with legislative alerts as the...

It’s Been 30 Years!
CHEWV is celebrating three decades of ministry in 2020. The important thing to note? God is faithful to His people! We’ve experienced it time and time again. Every good gift is from above, and we want to start this year by acknowledging His love and grace over the...