Choosing a Better Way

We’re all aware of recently publicized comments about homeschoolers - that they cost the public schools money, teachers' jobs, and the ability to provide quality school programs.  Part of the concern from some public school officials centers on the increasing growth...

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CHEWV Meets With Dr. Paine

CHEWV Meets With Dr. Paine

In response to WV Superintendent of Schools Steve Paine's comments late last week, John Carey (CHEWV's legislative liaison) quickly arranged a meeting with State Superintendent Paine.  Also in attendance were two leading members of the State Board of Education,...

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Misleading News Targets WV Homeschooling

by John Carey, CHEWV's Legislative Liaison A recent WVNews article by Kailee Gallahan claims that “homeschooling cuts over $2 million from Harrison School systems funding.”  In the article, Harrison County public school officials accuse homeschoolers of costing the...

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FREE Unit Study: Harvest of Friends

The Little House series of books based on Laura Ingalls’s childhood in the 1800’s remains popular among readers of all ages, particularly children.  The history, woven into wholesome family stories, makes them especially appreciated by homeschoolers.  In 1974, the...

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WV Textbooks Available for Members!

WV Textbooks Available for Members!

We have a limited number of textbooks available for 8th grade WV Studies - that we are providing to CHEWV members at cost!  These are used editions - not the new edition for 2019-20.  If you did not catch our latest article that explains the text and editions...

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Are People the Problem?

Are People the Problem?

by John Carey, CHEWV Legislative Liaison The battle to pass the Education Reform Bill was passionately fought on both sides. While the side that supported more freedom and greater options for parents, children, and local communities won a victory, the side that...

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Graduation 2019

Graduation 2019

With our largest class ever, the 2019 CHEWV Graduation was a celebration of God's blessing on 21 young adults from all across the Mountain State. Whether you were able to attend or not, we hope you enjoy this picture gallery of our special afternoon. [gallery...

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The Special Session Has Begun

by John Carey, CHEWV's Legislative Liaison As soon as the West Virginia Legislature adjourned at midnight on the last day of the 60-day regular session, the legislature was called into a special session to discuss what the Governor has called “Education Betterment.”...

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