We’re happy to hear you’re ready to begin your homeschooling journey! And, while everyday won’t be sunshine and roses, everyday will be rewarding in the life of you and your children. Homeschooling is a “wonderfully joyful” and “wonderfully messy” experience, all at the same time.
Through it all, you’re learning and your children are learning. Not simply “textbook” learning — but a real-life, everyday, good and bad, happy and sad, challenging and rewarding — kind of learning. A kind of learning that “sticks,” prayerfully leaving them with a faith experience that we read of in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
So, how do you get started? While we have several articles (listed below) that will go into extensive detail on “getting started,” here are the first 3 basic things you should do.
Know the Law
Become familiar with the requirements of WV state law and file the necessary notice with your county. We also suggest joining the HSLDA.
Note: Hope Scholarship students will find their requirements here.
Gather Resources
Talk to other homeschooling families, research curriculum websites, consider the “learning styles” of your children and choose your curriculum.
Schedule, Plan & Prepare
Schedule, plan, and prepare. Consider your homeschool schedule, plan your “learning space” and talk with your children about the new journey.
Can’t Afford to Homeschool?
Perhaps we can help! Let’s explore a few options: Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool is a free and complete online curriculum. Showing you how to use freely available resources to complete all 12 grades, this curriculum was gradually developed by a homeschool mom, one...
Exploring “Deschooling”
Are you getting ready to homeschool kids who were previously in public school? Be forewarned: when kids have spent several years learning how to fit into the structure and expectations of traditional school and then are suddenly in a totally different environment, it...
Is Homeschooling Right For Us?
Why do so many parents continue to homeschool when it captures all their time? And how did they know what to do when they first started? Most of us started homeschooling on a “trial” basis, but before too long, the advantages won us over! We began to see what it...