Recognizing Our Debt of Gratitude

Recognizing Our Debt of Gratitude

On NHERI’s 30th Year Anniversary by Rebecca Ray Maybe you have heard this often-cited statistic: on average, homeschool students score 15 to 30 percentile points higher on achievement tests than their public-school peers. This fact has been cited in countless...
“Homeschooling With Confidence” Available On Demand

“Homeschooling With Confidence” Available On Demand

Do you still have questions about how to manage your time while homeschooling?  How to teach multiple children at once?  How to keep your marriage vibrant or how to afford it all? Answers to these questions and more from the Homeschooling with Confidence conference...

Can Homeschoolers Return to Public School?

Editor’s Note:  A change in the law since this article was written can be found here: The short answer is yes.  The more pertinent question, though, is under what conditions?  While only your county school system can...
WV BOE Policy 2510

WV BOE Policy 2510

Back in January, CHEWV shared comments we offered on a WV BOE draft policy during its public comment period.  BOE Policy 2510 is now finalized. Page 40 contains the homeschool policy: CBEM* shall develop a policy for the process of enrolling a home school student into...

8th Grade WV History

Studying WV History in 8th grade is part of the fabric of our great state, and CHEWV has made it easy for homeschoolers to study for the Golden Horseshoe Exam with our series of articles and helps. While we have given away our last WV History text, there are still...
2020 Graduation

2020 Graduation

Congratulations, 2020 WV homeschool graduates!  You find yourselves in a unique time slot of history: your graduation year will be remembered partly because of the international COVID-19 quarantine.  Everywhere, members of the Class of 2020, in fact, are being...