Tax Credits for Homeschoolers
WV homeschooling is currently home-based, privately funded, and parent-directed. Because homeschoolers do not receive public funds, tax credit legislation is the best way to provide financial help to homeschoolers. Claiming school expenses as tax credits would provide...

Winter Doldrums: When It Gets Ugly
Nothing is like it should be, yet I have been feeling like Every. Single. Day. has been exactly the same — for weeks! Between Covid restrictions and the recent political tumult, winter doldrums hit us early and hit us hard. To compensate, I narrowed my life to three...
Jefferson’s Plan for Education
by John Carey, CHEWV’s Legislative Liaison Consider this startling quote from Thomas Jefferson, author of West Virginia's Religious Freedom Clause: It is better to tolerate the rare instance of a parent refusing to let his child be educated, than to shock the common...

A Mom’s View of Standardized Testing
Standardized testing often gets a bad rap in the homeschool world. After all, testing is a public school thing. Public schools have come to rely on test scores for funding, teacher promotions, grade promotions, and school excellency awards; and many base their entire...

Online Programs and the Annual Assessment
This year, many new homeschool families have opted to enroll in accredited online programs for their students. Unfortunately, many of these program directors have limited (or no) knowledge of the WV homeschool law because they are not WV-specific. Many offer...
Homeschoolers and the Military
We’re in the army now! And the marines, and the navy, and the air force, and the national guard, and the coast guard…yes, homeschoolers are accepted into any branch of the military! In 2012 and 2014, Congress amended the National Defense Authorization Act, which...

Your Guide to U.S. Civics: A Review by John Carey
by John Carey, CHEWV's Legislative Liaison CHEWV now offers an exciting FREE member resource, Your Guide to U.S. Civics, to help families study American civics and government. This resourhttps://chewv.orgce is composed of 10 units which cover historic figures,...

A Day in the Life…
...of a Homeschool Mom by Faith Lewis Players: Gideon, 11 Noah, 12 Korah,17 Silas, 18 I’m sharing a bit of our homeschooling morning because it’s been such an interesting study today! After chores were done and breakfast was eaten, we sank into the couch with cocoa...

WV Homeschool Diplomas Are Just As Valid
In 2015, the Diploma Fairness Bill was passed by the WV Legislature and became law: “A person who administers a program of secondary education at a public, private or home school that meets the requirements of this chapter may issue a diploma or other appropriate...

Empty Nesters: Don’t Quit Now!
Just Change Your Title By Barb Heki During the final few years of homeschooling our children, I vividly remember listening to friends in a similar situation. They had conversations about “what’s next.” Some lamented their children leaving. They assumed that an empty...