Online Programs and the Annual Assessment

by | Jan 30, 2021 | Articles, Assessments

This year, many new homeschool families have opted to enroll in accredited online programs for their students. Unfortunately, many of these program directors have limited (or no) knowledge of the WV homeschool law because they are not WV-specific. Many offer assessments and imply that their assessment is all your student needs. But is it? Chances are…No.

The WV Code is very specific about the type of assessment required for WV homeschoolers. The two most common assessments are a portfolio review (in which a certified teacher reviews samples of your student’s school year assignments and determines if the student has made progress in accordance with his/her abilities) and a nationally-normed standardized test.

If you have enrolled in an online program which offers a testing option, it is YOUR responsibility to assure the test offered:

*has been normed or published in the past ten years

*is a nationally-normed standardized test

*tests the 5 subject areas of reading, language arts, math, science, and social studies

If the online program’s offered test does not meet ALL three criteria, then you are responsible to obtain a test which does or to choose another assessment option. If you are unsure, we strongly suggest you contact our experienced testing coordinator, Becky Price, at She is happy to answer questions about any assessment situation.

CHEWV has over 30 years experience with the WV homeschool law. Remember, we are here to help!

What I Wish I Had Known

What I Wish I Had Known

When I First Started Homeschooling I wish I would have known that homeschooling is not the same as just bringing school home. And what an absolute privilege it is to get to know each of my children, to tailor their education so that they each succeed, to be with them...

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