Special Needs: Lori’s Story
by Lori Shutler Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths. Do you ever feel like you have it together? Like you’ve done something so many times that you could do it...

About the Homeschool “Exemption”
If you’ve attended CHEWV’s Homeschooling 101 classes, you’ve heard us emphasize something: WV homeschool law 18-8-1(c)(2) is an exemption to WV’s compulsory attendance law. WV children who turn 6 before July 1st of any calendar year are required to attend public...

Assessment Considerations
Hmm...portfolio review or standardized testing? While a homeschool assessment must be done EVERY YEAR for students of compulsory age, which assessment option is best? The portfolio review option was hard-won back in 1994 to help special needs students and others for...

Score Reports from CHEWV
What score reports can you expect when you test with CHEWV? First, you will receive the complete IOWA score reports directly from BJUP. The Profile Narrative provides the National Percentile Rank (NPR) for each subtest along with the five scores that must be averaged...

2023 CHEWV Testing Highlights
Online testing has grown in popularity over the past few years - precipitating many changes in the testing world. One change is the online registration process used by test distributors. If you have tested with CHEWV for a while, you’ll notice that we no longer order...

Family for Christmas
Three-year-old Elena’s brothers and sisters were arriving home one Wednesday night. I was trying to get her to sleep, but as soon as she saw the headlights coming up the driveway, she popped up and said, “Is that the Honda? My brovers an’ frwends are home!” Did she...

Wrap-Up: Hebrew vs. Greek Education
Come to Me all you who labor and I will give you rest. The love of God, the love of God’s Word, and true discipleship are not meant to be a burden, but a joy. To summarize Hebraic education, we will say that it is an all-the-time, God-centered, eternity-aware, and...

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
Aah, but maybe it shouldn't yet. Don’t let the store decorations, shopping advertisements, and social media posts entice you to skip over this beautiful season of Thankfulness. Celebrate November! November brings Thanksgiving - a whole month to remind us that we...

Elections, Legislative Sessions, & Other Civics Topics
In this brief piece we introduce important, inspiring, and easy-to-implement ideas. Most homeschoolers know that new legislation can affect educational freedom tremendously. After all, we gained the right to homeschool through valiant legislative effort back in 1986. ...

Reading and Math: Fears and Tears
For my son, reading was a disaster that often had both him and my wife in tears. As it turns out, he didn’t read until he was 8 1/2 years old. Yes, that’s right. He wasn’t reading in kindergarten or first grade or second grade… He now has a master’s degree in...