Making the Bible Come Alive!
Likely, your schedule is already full to overflowing - music lessons, co-op assignments, sports practice, church programs, friends, family, and more. Where does Bible study fit in - honestly? We want to be able to say to our children: But as for you, continue in what...

The Crucial Safety Net for EVERY Single WV Family
There are now many educational choices for WV students - public school, private school, microschool, learning pods, homeschooling - even hybrids. With the advent of the Hope Scholarship, most options can now be funded with government monies - which inevitably brings...

History Comes to Life in Malden, WV
Recently, our homeschool group had an opportunity to experience living history at its finest. We visited small, but sensational, Malden, West Virginia, located just outside of Charleston. First we went to the J.Q. Dickinson Salt Works where we were given an...

Begin the School Year with Graduation in Mind
It’s never too early to think about graduation! It will be the culmination of all you and your family have invested in and devoted yourselves to for years. CHEWV was proud to celebrate the commencement of twelve homeschool graduates at this year’s graduation ceremony,...

Preschool Push
A recent World News Daily article reported a push for universal preschool starting at age three. This idea isn’t new, however. President Obama promoted preschool opportunities starting at birth in his 2013 State of the Union address. Closer to home, preschool has been...

Do We Stop Homeschooling?
Many parents might be tempted to answer that question by considering how it went this past year. Were the kids engaged? Did it go smoothly? Did Mom feel comfortable teaching? Was a good co-op available for socialization? Do the kids want to continue? While those are...

Fine Arts Results Announced
The 2023 Fine Arts Season closed with great representation from CHEWV students across the state. Congratulations to all that participated! You all have much to be proud of. As you look through the list of awards, remember that elementary students receive superior and...

Can’t Afford to Homeschool?
Perhaps we can help! Let’s explore a few options: Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool is a free and complete online curriculum. Showing you how to use freely available resources to complete all 12 grades, this curriculum was gradually developed by a homeschool mom, one...

Visit Living History Sites This Summer
There’s nothing quite like experiencing living history. These hands-on immersion experiences are fantastic for learning and elicit the very best types of conversations. Whether sparking discussion about slavery, liberty, or progress, visits to the past via experiences...

Assessing the Important Things
In order to comply with the 18-8-1(c)(2) exemption from compulsory education in West Virginia (the path most commonly followed by homeschool families), we are simply required to file a Notice of Intent for each child we're teaching and then complete an annual academic...