One CHEWV Family’s Experience with Dual Enrollment
Taking dual enrollment classes during high school is an affordable way to start college early. WV Institute of Technology offers distance learning classes that are available to homeschoolers around the state. Here’s the experience of one WV homeschooling mom with WVU...

They Grow So Quickly!
by Lorrie Young It happened the other day. I was enjoying a nice sunny day, sitting on the porch as the kids played around me. My baby girl came over with a flower she had picked for me. As she ran by, my mind seemed to play the scene in slow motion. As the warm...

Child Abuse, Homeschooling, and Due Process
A persistent legislative effort to address child abuse by restricting homeschooling is expected again this session. Consistent with a nationwide media message, legislators characterize homeschooling as the hiding place for abuse. Yet countering those arguments is not...

Legislation: A Wall of Separation
Gearing up for the 2024 Legislative Session A September 5th CATO Institute briefing correctly differentiates various states’ ESA (Educational Spending Account) legislation by how they do or do not protect privately-funded homeschooling. West Virginia is one of several...

Does it Matter if Schooling at Home is “Homeschooling?”
“The problem for us as home school leaders… is that in the minds of many, if you are at home with your kids, the distinction about whether you get state money or not is irrelevant,” lamented HSLDA President Jim Mason as reported in a 2023 Washington Examiner article....

Painless, Peaceful Advent
If you’re like us, you’ve often had good intentions during advent season. You want to bring a more peaceful meaning to the celebration of Christ’s coming, but despite your best intentions, everything just flies by in busyness! Instead of adding to the fray, CHEWV...

Why Test at a Test Center?
With the convenience of online testing and the ability for parents to test at home, one may wonder why anyone would test at a test center. Here’s some background as to why choosing a test center may still be a good option. In years past, most testing was done at test...

State Funding: A National Discourse
Some of CHEWV’s board members recently returned from a national conference for Christian homeschool organizations. The hot topic this year was ESAs – Educational Spending Accounts – like West Virginia’s Hope Scholarship. Over the three-day conference, ESAs were THE...

Let the Lord Decide
by Sara Maynard I have recently been faced with the realization that I have two high schoolers. Along with that realization comes a new set of challenges. I no longer have to worry about whether they will be able to read or do math. We have moved beyond that to...

What’s With the WVEIS Numbers?
Education Information/Management Systems (EIS) are used to track student performance, store academic records, and monitor teacher performance. The Common Core of Data (CCD) is a comprehensive national database used by the US Department of Education. WVEIS 2.0 is...