Athletes and Homeschooling
Simone Biles, the homeschooled gymnast who won the world over in the recent Olympics, may be the “poster child” for homeschool athletics; Simone and her family pursued homeschooling because of its flexible schedule. Homeschoolers can and do utilize daytime...

Speech Development – Preschool
by Randi Horst, Speech Language Pathologist and Homeschool Mom Babble business is not just for babies! It takes two to communicate. How we react to our lil’ ones’ interests and babbling is the groundwork for brain growth and communication. A recent article describes...

Stanines, Percentiles, and Freedom
Learning. It’s not just for our students! There is certainly a learning curve for the newly revised law. This is a good thing, however, for through this law we have gained freedom! Nevertheless, with freedom comes responsibility - the responsibility to learn. Those...

Generation Joshua for WV Teens
The Vision of Generation Joshua is to assist parents to raise up the next generation of Christian leaders and citizens, equipped to positively influence the political processes of today and tomorrow.

Getting Ready to Test: K, 1st & 2nd
Aha! Testing time! Moms may worry about how their littles are going to do and so may head over to Barnes and Noble for the Test Prep workbook, but there are actually many (and perhaps even better) ways to prepare. In the earliest grades, many of the questions are read...

Preparing for Testing
It can be tempting to think that a test will accurately assess how we are doing as teachers and how our children are doing as students. But it can do neither. Standardized testing is only a tool to determine how our children compare academically with other students...
Retired Marine Greeted with Demands, Disdain
When Les Payton returned home to West Virginia after retiring from the Marine Corps earlier this year, he wasn’t expecting a red-tape parade—but that is what he got. When the 27-year veteran helicopter pilot trooped into the Raleigh County School District office to...

Too Soon to Test?
Rethinking Preschool, Kindergarten & a Push for Homeschool Testing How wonderful - and overwhelming - it can be to figure out what’s best for our littles! We can lose sight (or want to lose sight) of the fact that parenting is a full-time endeavor. Practically...

Special Needs: Lisa’s Story
As told to CHEWV. We homeschooled our first two children in Maryland and things were going along well. But about the time that our second child was entering kindergarten, we became concerned that something wasn’t quite right with our toddler. At 2 1/2, he wasn’t...

Can you do it? Homeschooling the High Schooler
Homeschooling the High Schooler? We’ve all seen the car commercial. An extremely expensive car goes zooming up a mountain at a high rate of speed, and across the bottom of our screen flashes the message, “professional driver- don’t try this at home.” The world would...