Victory! Bills Signed!

This week Governor Justice signed two important homeschool bills: Senate Bill 319 and Senate Bill 364.

Promise Scholarship

The passage of SB 319 means homeschooled students will no longer have to take the TASC in order to qualify for the Promise Scholarship!

The effective date of this legislation is July 1, which means that students seeking Promise Scholarship funding for the fall of 2018 will have to take the TASC in order to qualify.

The West Virginia Department of Education has told HSLDA that they are issuing waivers on a case-by-case basis for students who are under 17 to be able to take the TASC for Promise eligibility.  Next year, according to staff at the Higher Education Policy Commission, for those applying for spring eligibility only, the TASC will no longer be required.

Driver’s License

Thanks to the provisions of SB 364, effective May 31 parents may issue the statement for driver eligibility certificates for their homeschooled students. HSLDA will have driver eligibility forms available for our members at that time.

You have diligently advocated for the Promise Scholarship change for several legislative sessions. Thank you for all your persistence! Together we will continue to make West Virginia a better place for homeschooling—join HSLDA today if you haven’t already!

Montani Semper Liberi,