Two-Week Waiting Periods and Surprise Police Visits

by | Oct 12, 2020 | Legislative, News

Since most assume that today’s parents have long since escaped the days of covert homeschooling because of legal threats, imagine the shock when police officers and school officials recently showed up at the doorsteps of WV homeschoolers.  While officials later explained that they failed to check students on the truancy list to see if they were listed on a Notice of Intent before acting, this disturbing action is just part of a trend we are seeing this fall.

Several counties have invented new homeschool restrictions and hoops to jump through this fall – none of which are legal.  These have included interviews, two-week waiting periods, “approval” processes, and the like.  While Christian parents will strive to extend grace to county systems struggling themselves with changes brought on by the COVID quarantine, they’ll also want to be wise and proactive as they politely, but firmly, decline non-required processes.

Have you received a visit, email or letter that stands counter to the homeschool law?  CHEWV would appreciate hearing about it as we prepare for the upcoming legislative session.  Send pics and copies to James or Wendy at