2019 Legislative Session Preview

2019 Legislative Session Preview

Getting Prepared by John Carey, CHEWV’s Legislative Liaison The 60 Day Regular Legislative Session begins on January 9th. Here are some links to keep you in the loop as the session progresses, as well as a secret weapon that only a loving parent can employ.  ...
Homeschoolers to Gather at Capitol

Homeschoolers to Gather at Capitol

Join homeschoolers from all around the state on Thursday, January 31st, for Home School Day at the Capitol (HSDC).  Meet us first in the upper rotunda under the CHEWV banner, where we’ll gladly check you in and give you helpful information.  We’ll also show you where...
Is HSDC Still Important?

Is HSDC Still Important?

You’ve already braved the weather, taken the tours, attended the session, and spoken with your delegates and senator in previous years. Why spend another day doing it again? If you are interested in protecting the freedom of parents to home-educate their children,...