FAQ’s about specific topics can be found throughout our site, but answers to some general questions are provided below. We certainly hope that you easily find answers to all your questions on this site, but if not, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to serve!
Note: these answers all pertain to homeschooling under exemption c2. They may or may not be pertinent to Hope Scholarship students. For Hope requirements, visit their official site.
How do I start homeschooling?
Where can I find out about homeschooling kindergarten?
Can I remove my preschooler from a public school program and begin homeschooling?
Yes! Please read the summary of the law pertaining to removal of a child from a WV program here.
Can I start homeschooling mid-year?
I haven't received approval from the county yet. What do I do?
Does CHEWV provide curriculum?
Is the public school required to supply curriculum?
This question is addressed in the WV Law pertaining to homeschooling:
“(3) This subdivision applies to both home instruction exemptions set forth in subdivisions (1) and (2) of this subsection. The county superintendent or a designee shall offer such assistance, including textbooks, other teaching materials and available resources, all subject to availability, as may assist the person or persons providing home instruction. Any child receiving home instruction may upon approval of the county board exercise the option to attend any class offered by the county board as the person or persons providing home instruction may consider appropriate subject to normal registration and attendance requirements.”
Please note – “the county shall offer assistance…..all subject to availability….” Many public schools use the “subject to availability” clause as a reason for denial of resources to homeschoolers. Most homeschoolers do not request resources from the public school, so this request to the county may be unusual. Upon request, counties who have available resources will loan the student books. But teachers’ books or answer keys are not provided, making it sometimes difficult to use the public school curriculum. The reason is simple – usually only one teacher’s book has been ordered for that year and, of course, the public school teacher is using it.
Are services like speech therapy, vision testing, hearing, etc., included in the portion of the law that states the public schools "shall offer assistance, textbooks, other teaching materials and resources subject to availability?"
Can someone else homeschool my child?
Are homeschoolers readily accepted into colleges?
My high school student just wants to be done. Can we just take the TASC test and be finished?
Do homeschoolers do okay in life? Can they be successful?
Do homeschoolers have to take a test?
What about Socialization?
If my child was given an assessment test in the public school and then I remove the child to homeschool, can I use the public school assessment to satisfy the legal requirements of either submitting the assessment by June 30 for grades 3, 5, 8, or 11 or keeping the public school assessment in my files for three years as a valid assessment?
CHEWV has been so helpful to us. Can we help CHEWV or make a donation?
Since CHEWV functions entirely by volunteer labor, we are grateful for those who support us! The costs incurred by the organization (brochures, website, WV studies, etc.) are almost entirely paid through member fees and donations, so we are thankful for those who become members at any level.
We are also grateful for businesses, “retired” homeschool parents, and organizations who make donations to keep this ministry healthy – because it all goes back into service for homeschool families. We are a 501(c)(3) so donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Is there a discount to join Home School Legal Defense?
CHEWV members receive a $15.00 discount on HSLDA membership. Members can contact us to obtain the HSLDA discount code.
Note: Members are those who pay an annual membership fee to support the work of this ministry. Membership Registration is accessible by clicking the “Join CHEWV” button in the right side bar.