1. A child removed from a publicly funded four-year-old preschool is not of compulsory age and does not need a NOI/assessment until he turns 6 prior to July 1st.
2. A child removed from a publicly funded five-year-old kindergarten is of compulsory age and does need a NOI/assessment.
3. A child who has never been enrolled in a publicly funded school does not come under compulsory age until he turns 6 prior July 1st.
[NOI = Notice of Intent]
Note: Section 3 below (which is the language passed in 2013) allows a child to be removed from a four-year-old program for good cause and then the child is “not subject to the attendance provisions of this chapter” unless enrolled again.
18-8-1 clearly states that a child removed from enrollment in a publicly funded five-year-old kindergarten program comes under compulsory law and therefore a NOI and assessment are required.
Text of WV Code 18-5-44:
(c) Beginning no later than the school year 2012-2013, and continuing thereafter, county boards shall provide early childhood education programs for all children who have attained the age of four prior to September 1 of the school year in which the pupil enters the early childhood education program. Beginning no later than the school year 2016-2017, and continuing thereafter, early childhood education programs that are full day and five days per week shall be available to all children meeting the age requirement set forth in the subsection.
(d) The program shall meet the following criteria:
(1) It shall be voluntary, except, upon enrollment, the provisions of section one, article eight of this chapter apply to an enrolled student, subject to subdivision (3) of this subsection;
(2) All children meeting the age requirement set forth in this section shall have the opportunity to enroll in a program that is full day and five days per week. The program may be for fewer than five days per week and may be less than full day based on family need if a sufficient number of families request such programs and the county board finds that such programs are in the best interest of the requesting families and students: Provided, That the ability of families to request programs that are fewer than five days a week or less than a full day does not relieve the county of the obligation to provide all resident children with the opportunity to enroll in a full-day program; and
(3) A parent of a child enrolled in an early education program may withdraw a child from that program for good cause by notifying the district. Good cause includes, but is not limited to, enrollment of the child in another program or the immaturity of the child. A child withdrawn under this section is not subject to the attendance provisions of this chapter until that child again enrolls in a public school in this state.
And also this section from 18-8-1:
(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of section one of this article, compulsory school attendance begins with the school year in which the sixth birthday is reached prior to September 1 of such year or upon enrolling in a publicly supported kindergarten program and, subject to subdivision (3) of this subsection, continues to the sixteenth birthday or for as long as the student continues to be enrolled in a school system after the sixteenth birthday.
(1) A child may be removed from such kindergarten program when the principal, teacher and parent or guardian concur that the best interest of the child would not be served by requiring further attendance: Provided, That the principal shall make the final determination with regard to compulsory school attendance in a publicly supported kindergarten program.
(2) The compulsory school attendance provision of this article shall be enforced against a person eighteen years of age or older for as long as the person continues to be enrolled in a school system, and may not be enforced against the parent, guardian, or custodian of the person.
(3) Beginning with the 2011-2012 high school freshman cohort class of students, and notwithstanding the provisions of section one of this article, compulsory school attendance begins with the school year in which the sixth birthday is reached prior to September 1 of such year or upon enrolling in a publicly supported kindergarten program and continues to the seventeenth birthday or for as long as the student continues to be enrolled in a school system after the seventeenth birthday
Text of WV Code 18-8-1A:
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of section one of this article, compulsory school attendance begins with the school year in which the sixth birthday is reached prior to September 1 of such year or upon enrolling in a publicly supported kindergarten program and continues to the seventeenth birthday or for as long as the student continues to be enrolled in a school system after the seventeenth birthday: Provided, That beginning in the school year 2019-2020, compulsory school attendance begins with the school year in which the sixth birthday is reached prior to July 1 of such year or upon enrolling in a publicly supported kindergarten program.
(Emphases added)