If It Saves Just One Child…

by | Aug 8, 2024 | Legislative, News

West Virginia homeschoolers are in the trenches of a philosophical battle that has ramifications nationwide. The context is the relatively recent deaths of two children. A prevalent question has been, “If more homeschooling regulation saves just one child, isn’t it worth it?”

It may certainly seem compassionate, even Christian, to further regulate homeschooling if it saves just one child from a horrific death. We’ve been torn by that question as well. Of course every life matters!

If you are trying to think through the current journalistic and legislative narratives, we urge you to carve out a half hour (with your spouse?) to watch the recent interview between WV attorney Kevin Boden and Jim Mason, president of HSLDA.

Seeing how the current narrative fits into a troubling bigger picture should be good food for thought as you work your way through the different perspectives!  If you can’t carve out a half hour, start at 14:45.