What does it mean to be a member of CHEWV?
How can you join our statewide community?
Members are the lifeline of CHEWV! They financially undergird everything we do.
As a non-profit ministry, our labor is donated. But the expenses of the website, pamphlets, WV-specific research, Home School Day at the Capitol, our lobbying efforts, and much more are shared by our members. Members can make a difference for less than the cost of a fast food meal!
Membership Levels:
CHEWV Enthusiast
The manageable, budget-friendly way to give more than the basic amount!
$5 per month
CHEWV Supporter
Our basic membership level hasn’t changed for over two decades! While this membership level doesn’t fully finance our ministry, we are grateful for our many faithful supporters!
$15 per year
CHEWV Friend
This is the lowest giving level that actually keeps us afloat. Our friends make a world of difference!
$25 per year
CHEWV Freedom Defender
Our top two levels are for those who are ardent believers in West Virginia home education – and want to inspire us to serve in more ways!
$50 per year
CHEWV Super Hero!
Donning invisible capes, these behind-the-scenes heroes bless all of us!
$100 per year
Whether you are a new homeschooling parent, a veteran of 20 years, a grandparent, or even a former homeschool student yourself, you are invited to join CHEWV to help serve homeschool families and defend homeschooling freedoms in West Virginia.
Would you join with us? We homeschool stronger together!
Click here for a list of CHEWV member resources.
Membership Questions:
Do I have to give the same amount every year?
No. You can be a friend today and a superhero tomorrow! Or a superhero when you get a big bonus but return to basic support afterward. Whatever the Lord lays on your heart is perfect.
However, recurrent giving does renew at the same level each year. If that is a problem at any time, you have the option of changing it. But unless you change it, it renews faithfully for you.
Will my membership automatically be renewed?
You now have the option to auto-renew so that you don’t have to worry about your membership expiring. You’ll see that option on the membership form. If you don’t choose to auto-renew, then your membership will expire in one year. The exception is the Enthusiast $5/month membership level which is only offered with auto-renewal.
How will I know when my membership is expiring?
- Your expiration date is one year from your join date. A membership card will be included on your confirmation email. We recommend that you print that card and fill in your expiration date.
- Recurrent giving eliminates the need to track your renewal date. Your membership will automatically renew one year from joining.
- Feel free to email us about any membership questions you have. Simply use the “Contact” menu option above.