Below is a link for the complete WVCEA Fine Arts Festivals manual. The first 84 pages are the rules – no, you do not have to read them! That is why we have several pages and links on the CHEWV website. We want to make it easier for you! Plus, there are a few differences from the “official” national rules and the rules for the state festivals, so it may be confusing to read pages 1-84.
The reason we have included this manual on our site is for the Judging Forms. Page 85 begins the section for Judging Forms. As the student prepares an entry for the Fine Arts Festival, it is helpful to know exactly what will be judged! These forms will allow the student to see what the judges will critique and the points awarded. Page 85 begins with Bible forms, music follows, then speech, art and the few academic forms for writing entries and science/social studies fair. Looking over the judging form for the entered category will greatly help in preparation!