Calligraphy | Still Life Photography |
Monochromatic Drawing | Landscapes and Architecture Photography |
Polychromatic Drawing | People and animal Photography |
Watercolor | Digital Media |
Oil Painting | Woodworking |
Acrylic Painting | Mixed Media |
Sculpture | Team Mural Painting |
Textiles | Experimental Photography |
Crafts | Animation |
Printmaking |
Desktop Publishing |
Garment Construction |
Cinema-Original Video Production |
Design Construction |
Scratch Art (Elem. only) |
General Rules: Since the guidelines and rules on this page are meant as an overview, once there is interest in a category it is necessary to read the exact requirements in the AACS Manual. There may be specific rules that need to be followed.
- Entries are not restricted to sacred themes, but entries which reflect sensuality, humanism, occultism, or worldliness will be disqualified; basically, any subject detrimental to spiritual edification will not be allowed.
- Each entry will be the original creation of the participant alone, but the participant may have had advice or instruction.
- Kits are not acceptable except for cross stitching.
- No paint-by-number, no tracing, and no painted ceramics are allowed.
- Each entry must have been created with the past year.
- Students should do original drawings or paintings from imagination or actual life. Working from a personal photograph is allowed. Other photographs may be used if the student has striven to be creative in his interpretation of the photograph, rather than trying to copy it exactly. There must be a significant change, at least 40%, in the artwork when using another person’s photograph. Any photograph used must be included with the artwork. Copying of any existing artwork (painting, drawing, illustration, etc.) is prohibited. Photographs are not a replacement for a required pattern.
- Two dimensional work must be matted or framed. Framed work must be ready to hang, preferably with picture hanging wire and not saw-tooth picture hangers. Framing is an important aspect of the presentation of a work of art. A simple frame and mat are effective. Elaborate mats and heavy ornamental frames are not necessary and sometimes detract from the artwork. No construction paper for framing is allowed.
- Each student must sign the Statement of Originality on the Artists Idea Statement.
- Each entry must have a completed/signed Artist’s Idea Statement which gives the source of his idea and explains briefly how he developed his artwork from the ideas. Photographs showing the development of the artwork may be included, if desired.
- Artist’s Idea Statement may be obtained Artist Idea Statement. The statement is a fillable form that must be downloaded
- Photography Artist’s Idea Statement may be obtained Photography_Artists_Idea_Statement. The statement is a fillable form that must be downloaded.
- Special lighting will not be permitted. The lighting in the exhibit room is the only lighting that will be allowed.
The artwork should be put in place by the person bringing it, making sure that the Artist Idea Statement or the Photography Artist’s Idea Statement is with each piece and that a 3 x 5 card is lightly taped to the back of each piece. Please do not expect the judges or WVCEA staff to take your artwork out of a box and set them up! You do not have to bring judges’ forms—we will provide these for each registered student (labels on the judges’ forms will have their names, schools, and category).
The 3 x 5 cards should have this information printed on it: Student’s Name, School Grade, Student’s School, Category Entered
Point Deductions
No Artists Idea Statement -5 points
Wrong Category (obvious misplacement) -3 points
No 3 x 5 card with artwork -2 points
Since the guidelines and rules on this page are meant as an overview, once there is interest in a category it is necessary to read the exact requirements in the AACS Manual. There may be specific rules that need to be followed.
Category 1: Calligraphy- done with a calligraphy pen, either metal of fiber tip, felt tip markers not acceptable, no traced or dry-transfer lettering, any style of calligraphy may be used, may contain other elements like, illumination, but the lettering should be the dominant element. Lettering should be original, done by the student himself based on an example supplied by the teacher of taken from a book. Attention should be paid to the overall composition or arrangement of words and lines to ensure balance, focus and communication.
Category 2: Monochromatic Drawing- done only in color, may use ink, pencil, charcoal, or another drawing medium; a combination of these media is acceptable, medium subject to smearing must be sealed with a protective spray, or be covered with clear glass or acetate. No scratch art is allowed.
Category 3: Polychromatic Drawing- more than one color, may use pastels, crayons, colored pencils, or another drawing medium, a combination of thee media is acceptable, medium subject to smearing must be sealed with a protective spray, or covered with clear glass or acetate.
Category 4: Watercolor- translucent techniques will be acceptable; use of proper water color paper is required, opaque techniques will be acceptable if paints qualify as watercolors, use of air brush is permitted, any water-based medium, such as water color, gouache, or tempera, may be used.
Category 5: Oil Painting- oil painting involves the use of oil based paints on a suitable ground, oil paint and appropriate solvents must be used, paint should be applied to a ground suitable to the medium, these include, but are not limited to: canvas, wood, and assorted art boards, use of air brush is permitted, work must be completely dry before it is submitted.
Category 6: Acrylic Painting- use of acrylic paints on a suitable ground, paints must be acrylic polymers, and should be put on a ground suitable for the medium. These include, but are not limited to: canvas, wood, and assorted art boards, additional substances may be used for textural effects as long as the surface of the work remains paint. Use of an airbrush is permitted; the work must be completely dry before it is submitted.
Category 7: Sculpture- is carving, modeling, or welding (combining) a substance to produce a three dimensional work, works from molds are acceptable if the student created the mold and poured the object himself. Molds must be presented with finished artwork. Acceptable materials include, but are not limited to, wood, plaster, stone, metal, wax, ceramic slip, clay (both fired and unfired), paper-mache, balsa, foam, model magic, and friendly plastic. Paper is an unacceptable material for sculptures. No objects should be displayed other than the project itself, if possible the sculpture should have an attached base, if there is no base then it should be placed on an appropriate surface, such as ceramic tile, for display purposes. Entries should not include models or dioramas.
Category 8: Textiles- Entries will be limited to selections from this listing: macramé; weaving (must show extensive, comprehensive work); string/thread art; quilting; appliqué (hand sewn only); needlework (such as candlewicking, embroidery, crochet, cross-stitch, knitting, needlepoint, or crewel, etc.) Kits are not acceptable; however, commercially produced plans or patterns are acceptable, a copy of the plan must accompany the project. No purchased garments, towels, or similar items are permitted. No objects should be displayed other than the textile itself (no furniture, plants, or other items).
Category 9: Crafts- can be anything three dimensional that is not strictly a sculpture or a textile, and that conforms to #2, which states that the student may have advise or instruction, but the project must be the original creation of the student. Types of projects are limited to the following: jewelry making; stained glass; candle making; flower arranging 9 only if the student makes the flowers himself); decorative castings (from plaster, etc., as long as the student pours and decorates it himself); wearable art using appliqué, paints batik, or tie-die items; basketry; tole painting (on wood or metal; wood burning; sand art; ribbon crafts (both paper and fabric); decoupage; diorama; beadwork; leatherwork; metal repousse; punched designs into metal; paper-mache, origami (paper folding), and mosaic, and other types of art craft projects may be entered with the permission of the AACS National Competition Office. No kits, purchased pin backs or earring backs for jewelry are acceptable. Entries are to be original and hand made, not copied from a pattern, containers and garments used for these projects may be purchased. Original student plans (sketches or patterns) must be included with the work. A commercially produced pattern is allowed for origami.
Category 10: Printmaking- a design or picture carved or etched into the surface then inked and transferred to another surface. The following media will be acceptable: linoleum block, woodcut, etching, dry point, collagraph, silk screen, and speedy carve material. The original carved or etched surface must be presented with a finished print.
Category 11: Still Life and Macro Photography
1. The photograph must be a single black-and-white or color image of a still life, macro photograph, or design.
2. Still Life photography is a grouping of small objects placed in arrangement by human design in a pleasing composition.
3. Macro photography is an extreme close-up of a subject at a magnification of life-size or larger.
Must complete Photography Artist’s Idea Statement. See general rules below.
Category 12: Landscapes and Architecture Photography
1. The photograph must be a single black-and-white or color image of a landscape or architecture.
2. Landscape photography is an expanse of scenery that is extensive and can be seen from a single viewpoint, such as a picture representing natural inland or coastal scenery.
3. Architecture photography is of manmade buildings and structures that capture the entire construction or only a portion.
Must complete Photography Artist’s Idea Statement. See general rules below.
Category 13: People and Animal Photography
1. The photograph must be a single black-and-white or color image of people or animals.
2. People photography is of an individual or group that is the main subject in the composition. It may be posed or candid.
3. Animal photography is of animals in their captive or natural setting. This category includes any living thing that is not human or a plant. The photograph must be a single black and white or color image of people or animals.
Must complete Photography Artist’s Idea Statement. See general rules below.
General Rules for Photography Categories: Category 15, Category 16, Category 17
1. The print may not have obvious touch-up work. Good retouching, whether digital or analog, cannot be detected.
- a. Retouching work should be limited to enhancements and modification that improve the presentation of the image, but do not change the truth of the original story. The photographer may not add or replace elements in an image. Red-eye removal and spot editing are permitted.
- b. Retouching may only include the use of corrective functions to improve the natural appearance (for example: levels, contrast, brightness, curves, intensity, tone, hue, saturation, color balance, etc.).
- c. Artistic filters may not be used.
- d. Retouching is part of the creative process. Good retouching cannot be seen and poor retouching will be graded against; therefore, graphics and text must not be included.
2. The print will be judged on the basis of composition, aesthetic appeal, and originality.
3. The name of the student, the school, and the school address must be on a label in the top center location on the back of the print.
4. The minimum print size is 7 x 10 inches.
5. Photos must be matted and may not be framed. Mats must be white. Photos may not be double matted, and decorative elements (such as scrolling) on the mat are not permitted.
6. Photography must be accompanied by Photography Artist’s Idea Statement.
7. Note: Not every photograph will fit one of these categories. To be entered in this competition, a photograph must fit one of the listed categories.
Category 14: Digital Media – Digital Media is a composition or design created, developed, assembled or finished with the use of computer hardware and software. Digital Media may be pixel-based, vector-based, or a combination of the two. It may include typographic elements. The work may be based on a photograph, and may include scanned images or art. However, no stock photography may be used. The digital file may be printed on a variety of media including, but not limited to, paper or canvas. The final print should be of high enough resolution to produce a smooth image with no unintended pixellation. The final print should be suitably matted, mounted, or framed as with any piece of fine art. Digital Media will be judged on the basis of composition, aesthetic appeal, originality, and technical achievement. A storage device with the digital image in its original file is to be submitted with the entry: This should be protected in an envelope taped to the back of the entry; the name of the student and his/her school should be written on the envelope.
Category 15: Woodworking- entries will be basic carpentry/cabinetmaking projects; original design and a simple mechanical drawing done by the student must be submitted with the project. All of the production procedures; (sawing, mitering, routing, assembling, and the finishing) must be done by the student himself; the work may be done under adult supervision. The maximum size is to be 40 cubic feet. No kits are permitted.
Category 16: Mixed Media- includes two or three dimensional artwork which combines two or more mediums including the use of paint, ink, pencil, chalk, oil paints, tempera paints, sand, collage, and printmaking. A collage must be made of two-dimensional materials that were created by the student. Adhesives and glazes such as glues, fixatives, etc. are allowed in the assembling and finishing processes. Photographs not taken by the student may be used as long as the portion used cannot be recognized as part of the original picture. No kits or commercially produced parts are acceptable, such as plastic leaves and any other prefabricated media; all parts are to be handmade, painted, inked, etc.
Category 17: Team Mural Painting – a group of 3 or more students working together to create a mural painting. Painting should be painted on appropriate material, such as canvas, and appropriate paints should be used (air brush and spray techniques are acceptable). Murals must be dry and should not be “tacky”. Mural size must be at least 3-feet x 3-feet, but no larger than 6-feet in height and 12-feet in width. Murals must be portable, and not permanently attached to the property. Murals must be prepared to hang. Prepare each mural with a rod “pocket” to accommodate the rod. (Each entry is responsible to provide their own rod.) Mural entries must follow the year’s theme announced by the WVCEA Office.
2023 Team Mural Theme – New Life
2024 Team Mural Theme – A Miracle
2025 Team Mural Theme – A Parable
Category 18: Experimental Photography – Entries are limited to Senior High division only. Includes time-lapse photography, multiple exposures, pinhole photography, and toning prints. Other types of experimental photography may be entered with permission of the WVCEA Competition office. Photos cannot be computer enhanced. Entries must include the film negative.
Category 19: Animation – to make or represent a character to inspire or lift the spirit of others. Senior High, Junior High, and Elementary divisions (No computerized entries in Elementary division). Includes: single cartoons, storyboards, caricatures, and computer animation/storyboards. Entries must be matted (See General Rules). (Exception: computerized entries). Computer generated work is permitted in all divisions. Work must be printed and matted. 1. Computerized animation: a. Is limited to Senior High and Junior High divisions only. b. Computerized storyboards and animation must use programs such as ImageReady or Lightwave, or seek program approval from the WVCEA Competition office prior to submission. Electronic files must be received by WVCEA Competition office 1 week prior to the Festival.
Definition Notes: Computer generated art is work that is created using a computer, but printed and displayed as traditional art. A computerized entry is the creation artwork needing an electronic file to animate the work. Computerized artwork needs to be moving, and therefore cannot be displayed as printed work.
Category 20: Desktop Publishing – designing of brochures, programs, flyers, advertisements, business cards or PowerPoint presentation for the purpose of promoting a company, event, or product. Entries limited to Senior High Division only. Note guidelines for computer generated art. Coordinator has theme for each year. Entries must follow the year’s theme(s) announced/published by the WWVCEA Competition Office*. Projects which are designed to be printed (brochures, programs, advertisements, etc.) must be submitted in print form. Color copies are required (exception when entry is designed as a black and white copy only). Printouts should be done on inkjet or laser printers, printed on appropriate stock, and printed 2-sided if applicable for the project. The student is not required to compose all text within the project. Textual content will not be judged, but care should be taken to insure no blatant grammar or spelling errors are present. Students must do design and layout. No use of pre-designed layouts, templates, wizards, etc. may be used. Original disk/CD must be submitted with the artwork. The disk must be available to be opened in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe PageMaker, Adobe InDesign, Adobe PhotoShop, or Corel Draw 8. The disk or CD must be clearly labeled with the contestant’s name, file name, and school. “Stock” clip art, graphics, and photos may be used with original artist permission or if permitted under license agreement. Written permission, copy of license agreement, and/or other permission granting documentation must be included with the entry (this includes program clip art galleries, Afreeware@, Ashareware@, public domain, and custom designs/logos). Entries will be judged on layout, design and creativity. Entries should be mounted or displayed attractively in a binder or portfolio, as artist would present to a client. (2-sided entries must submit printout 2-sided, but may also include printout of pages separately.)
2023 – Life in West Virginia
Category 21: Cinema-Original Video Production – Theme set each year by WVCEA*. Every portion of the video must be original in content and design (an existing script may be used and the music may be of prerecorded quality). All copyrights and documentation of public domain materials must be observed. Judging will be based on all the phases of motion pictures and video productions, including directing, editing, camera work, sound and lighting. The music portion of the video must be within the acceptable styles of music listed in the general music rules. The intent and the message of the video must be withing the acceptable guidelines listed in the general art rules. All production work must have been done since the last WVCEA FIne Arts Competition. The cinema category will be considered a group category. There is no limit to the number of persons involved in the production of this video; however, each person must register his/her name in the WVCEA Fine Arts Registration. Individuals seen in the production are not necessarily considered to be a part of the team. Each entry must have attached to one of the judging forms a completed “Artist’s Idea Statement” which gives the source of his idea and explains briefly how he developed his artwork from the idea. The time limit for the Cinema projects is from 5-10 minutes. The Cinema projects may be submitted in either VHS or DVD format. DVDs must be formatted to play in a standard DVD player. A signed letter of consent must be included for each recognizable person seen in this production. Cinema projects must have the disk/video clearly labeled with the title of the production , its running time, and the school’s name.
2023: Making a Difference
Category 22: Design Construction – Definition: to design and construct an object of your own imagination using various type(s) of building material(s). Elementary students may design and construct using Popsicle sticks, matches, Legos, building blocks, etc. Junior High students may design and construct using pieces from erector sets or similar design and construction materials. Senior High students may design and construct in the areas of architecture, engineering, and robotics using any material(s) that is/are appropriate to complete the object or to complete a professional miniature replica of a life-size object (such as a bridge or building). Each entry must be the original creation of the participant alone. No kits, model diagrams or existing blue prints may be used. Participants may receive advice or instruction. Each entry must have been created since the last WVCEA Fine Arts Competition. If the created object is stationary, please attach it to a base to avoid any kind of damage when transporting it to competition and during judging and display time. Each student must sign the “Statement of Originality” on the art judging form. Each entry must have attached to one of the judging forms a completed “Artist’s Idea Statement” which gives the source of his idea and explains briefly how he developed his project from the idea. Senior High participants must also include a folder containing the created diagram(s) or blueprint(s) of the construction.
Category 23: Scratch Art – to create a picture by scratching off a top layer of color allowing the underneath layer of color to become the artistic image. Scratch art may be done in multicolored or in black/white pallets. Each entry must have been created since the last WVCEA Fine Arts Competition. Each entry must be the original creation of the participation alone. No kits, model diagrams or existing blue prints may be used. Participants may receive advice or instruction. Each student must sign the “Statement of Originality” on the art judging form. Each entry must have attached to one of the judging forms a completed “Artist’s Idea Statement” which gives the source of his idea and explains briefly how he developed his project from the idea. The minimum size is a 7″ x 10″. This category is limited to Elementary contestants.