by CHEWV | Jan 11, 2023 | Articles, Assessments, Testing
What score reports can you expect when you test with CHEWV? First, you will receive the complete IOWA score reports directly from BJUP. The Profile Narrative provides the National Percentile Rank (NPR) for each subtest along with the five scores that must be averaged...
by CHEWV | Jan 11, 2023 | Articles, Testing
Online testing has grown in popularity over the past few years – precipitating many changes in the testing world. One change is the online registration process used by test distributors. If you have tested with CHEWV for a while, you’ll notice that we no longer...
by Kelley Richman | Dec 5, 2022 | Articles, Encouragement, Featured Articles
Three-year-old Elena’s brothers and sisters were arriving home one Wednesday night. I was trying to get her to sleep, but as soon as she saw the headlights coming up the driveway, she popped up and said, “Is that the Honda? My brovers an’ frwends are home!” Did she...
by CHEWV | Nov 10, 2022 | Articles, Encouragement, Hebrew vs. Greek Education
Come to Me all you who labor and I will give you rest. The love of God, the love of God’s Word, and true discipleship are not meant to be a burden, but a joy. To summarize Hebraic education, we will say that it is an all-the-time, God-centered, eternity-aware, and...
by CHEWV | Nov 10, 2022 | Articles
Aah, but maybe it shouldn’t yet. Don’t let the store decorations, shopping advertisements, and social media posts entice you to skip over this beautiful season of Thankfulness. Celebrate November! November brings Thanksgiving – a whole month to remind...
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