Support Groups vs. Co-ops: Is There a Difference?
We often talk interchangeably about support groups and co-ops, but they are actually two different entities. It’s possible that most homeschooling parents today have never really experienced a support group. In the early homeschooling years, support groups began to...

Cari’s Story
As told to CHEWV. We started homeschooling because my husband was getting his Master’s, and we didn’t want to move our daughter to a new school after only a year. We found Classical Conversations while living in Blacksburg, VA, and fell in love with homeschooling! We...

Teaching Our Children a Biblical View of Money
Editor’s Note: From time to time, articles are sent to us that we think could be helpful to our members and friends. Mr. Keusel offers a money course for which this article is a good introduction. However, use of such information, product, or service is voluntary, and...

Choosing Thankfulness
For most newlyweds, there is a honeymoon period when our spouse is our hero and even the quirky things they do are considered cute. This was no different for me; in fact, I would say that our honeymoon phase spanned nearly a decade before a spirit of subtle grumblings...

Comparison: The Quickest Way to Destroy Your School Year
Recently, I walked into our home’s kitchen and found dirty laundry on the counter. Gross! I quickly scooped it into an empty basket and carried it into the laundry room, where I felt tears pricking my eyes. It had been a long day when all my sons seemed to forget how...

Does My House Get Dirtier…
Than Everyone Else's? Well, yes. It probably does. But there’s a great reason! Maybe you used to be able to keep a clean house; but now as soon as you clean it, the dust and debris fairies wave their magic wand and it’s dirty again *poof*. Sometimes by the time you...

Labor Day Is Just Around the Corner
Although Labor Day is certainly a nice opportunity to rest from our usual labors, it’s also an opportunity to help our students understand the roller coaster of worker/owner relations through history. To explain the history and purpose of the holiday, the Department...

Growth Planning for Fall
Although we are still in the hot days of summer, you’re likely thinking about and planning for fall. It’ll be here before we know it, so plan for growth to happen. Grow Spiritually Your top goal should always be to grow in your own faith and your own walk. You can’t...

September 17th: Constitution Day
Because the U.S. Constitution was signed on September 17, 1787, we now celebrate September 17th as Constitution and Citizenship Day. It’s an excellent opportunity to teach about the document that established the framework of American government and secures the rights...

What I Wish I Had Known
When I First Started Homeschooling I wish I would have known that homeschooling is not the same as just bringing school home. And what an absolute privilege it is to get to know each of my children, to tailor their education so that they each succeed, to be with them...