About College Scholarships and Homeschoolers

by | Oct 8, 2021 | Articles, College, High School

CFWV (College for West Virginia) scholarships are for homeschooled students too!  If your student plans to pursue scholarships, don’t wait until he or she is a senior.  Instead, begin planning in the early high school years, as requirements may be different for homeschooled students.

Do you have a student who wants to earn a certificate or associate degree in a high-demand field? Perhaps you have a student who wants to major in education, nursing, or a STEM field? There are special scholarships in West Virginia for each of those majors. 

CollegeForWV.com offers free webinars explaining these scholarships and programs – along with many other helpful resources. If you miss one of the webinars, you can view a replay on their YouTube page.

Below is a sampling of scholarships available to homeschooled students:

Promise Scholarship – an in-state scholarship available to any WV Senior who meets the requirements. (https://www.collegeforwv.com/programs/promise-scholarship/requirements/)

The West Virginia Higher Education Grant – a need-based financial aid program. Awards are based on demonstrated financial need and generally may be used in conjunction with other forms of state, federal and institutional financial aid. A list of requirements can be found here: https://www.collegeforwv.com/programs/wv-higher-education-grant/how-it-works/

West Virginia Invests – a last-dollar-in-financial-aid program designed to cover the cost of tuition, mandatory fees, and academic program fees. The scholarship is available in specific high-demand fields in certificate or associate degree programs. More information can be found here: https://www.collegeforwv.com/programs/invest-grant/how-it-works/

The Underwood-Smith Teaching Scholars Program – helps recent high school graduates pursue careers as WV teachers in math, science, elementary education, or special education. More information can be found here: https://www.collegeforwv.com/programs/underwood-smith-teaching-scholars/

The West Virginia Engineering, Science and Technology Scholarship (a.k.a. WV STEM Scholarship) Program is a student financial aid program designed to enable and encourage academically talented individuals to pursue careers in the fields of engineering, science, and technology in West Virginia. More information can be found here: https://www.collegeforwv.com/programs/wv-ests-program/

The West Virginia Nursing Scholarship Program is for LPN, RN, LPN teaching certificate, and master’s or doctoral nursing education students. In exchange for receiving the scholarship, participants agree to complete a service obligation in West Virginia. More information can be found here: https://www.collegeforwv.com/programs/wv-nursing-program/ 

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What I Wish I Had Known

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