2024 Fine Arts Festivals Results

by | Jul 11, 2024 | Featured Articles, News

CHEWV was once again well represented by students at all three levels of the 2024 WVCEA Fine Arts Festivals held in March and April. Students in grades 4-12 have the opportunity to showcase their talents and academic abilities in a variety of categories in the areas of Bible, music, speech, art, and academics. Check out our website to see if anything sparks an interest with your student(s). Questions may be directed to our coordinator via email at finearts@chewv.org.

Fifteen students participated this year bringing home a total of 10 1st place, 9 second place, 2 third place, 6 superior, and 4 excellent awards. Please note that elementary level students can only earn excellent and superior awards.

Congratulations to the following students on their awards:

Senior High
Landri Flohr Female Vocal Solo Excellent
Brandon French Percussion Solo 1st
Mary French Brass Solo 2nd
Organ Solo 1st
Kate Hontz Female Vocal Solo 1st
Finley Steinvurzel Spelling Bee 2nd
Spelling Test 2nd
Chemistry Test 2nd
Kylie Steinvurzel Algebra/Geometry Test 2nd
Biology Test 1st
Monochromatic Drawing Superior
Spelling Test 1st
Junior High
Gloria Adkins Sacred Piano Solo Excellent
Kelly Golden Spelling Bee 2nd
Spelling Test 3rd
Woodwind Solo 2nd
Simeon Jett Classical Piano Solo 2nd
Sacred Piano Solo 1st
String Solo 1st
Solomon Jett Classical Piano Solo Excellent
Sacred Piano Solo 3rd
String Solo 2nd
Simeon & Solomon Jett Sacred Piano Duet 1st
Cade McCoy Classical Piano Solo 1st
Hymnplaying 1st
Cade & Jacob McCoy Small Vocal Ensemble Superior
Bronson French Brass Solo Superior
Timothy Lorincz Classical Piano Solo Superior
Math Test Excellent
Sacred Piano Solo Superior
Lilly Noethlich Classical Piano Solo Superior
English Test Superior
Sacred Piano Solo Superior