2/23/23 Legislative Report

by | Feb 23, 2023 | News

CHEWV continues to work full-time today on HB3408. We are coordinating with HSLDA, the WVHEA, and Delegate Kathie Crouse.  We have also been in contact with other delegates and House counsel.

Today’s proffered revision remains unacceptable. The 2021 legislative assurances that privately-funded and publicly-funded students would remain separate are still not satisfied. In this, we are unified with other homeschool leaders.

To our knowledge, the bill remains on the House calendar at this time – where it will not come up for second reading. However, should it be moved to the Special calendar, it can be brought forward for second reading. Discussions about the bill continue amongst House leadership.

Action on this bill can be taken until crossover day –  March 1.  

Please continue to pray. Unfortunately, this is not over. Pray for Delegate Crouse who may very well be the face of the battle in the House. Pray for all homeschool leaders – for wisdom as well as opportunity. Pray specifically that no law undermining parents and homeschooling will pass this session.  In other words, pray for God’s favor.  And thank Him for what He has already done for us in so many ways!  Our trust is not in ourselves, or in each other, but in Him alone.